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Business Savings & Money Market Accounts

Money Market Account 

  • Initial deposit required to open: $1,000.00
  • Minimum balance required to earn interest: $0.01
  • Interest is credited to you monthly
  • A minimum balance fee of $10.00 will be imposed if the daily balance in the account falls below $1,000.00 on any day of the statement cycle.
  • You may make six (6) debits from your account each statement cycle (month). A fee of $15.00 will be imposed for each subsequent debit.
  • Transaction limitations: With the exceptions of loan payments to us, no more than six (6) debits (including preauthorized, automatic, telephone and internet transfers, bill pay payments, drafts or any item of similar order) can be made each month. 

 Statement Savings Account 

  • Initial deposit required to open: $100.00
  • Minimum balance required to earn interest: $10.00
  • Interest is credited to your account quarterly
  • You may make six (6) debits from your account each statement cycle (quarter). A fee of $1.00 will be imposed for each subsequent debit.
  • Transaction limitations: With the exceptions of loan payments to us, no more than six (6) debits (including preauthorized, automatic, telephone and internet transfers, bill pay payments, drafts or any item of similar order) can be made each month.



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